Friday, February 8, 2013

Interpretive Signs Leona Heights is a jewel of the city park system. The canyon that the park encompasses has for long offered many enjoyable recreational and enriching educational experiences. Many of the East Bay hills habitats are found in the park. Creek and vernal pools, Redwood forest, oak woodland, chaparral, cliff faces, and flats offer a variety of life that can't be found in any other city park. This enriching experience that this park offers deserves amenities that can introduce and enrich visitors to the park. With this idea in mind we have started the steps to install two interpretive signs into the park. These signs will welcome visitors to the Leona Heights park with brief introductions to local history, geology, and flora fauna. A sign at the upper entrance of the York trail will announce the presence of a sometimes forgotten park. To many students and faculty pass by the park not realizing the valuable resource that borders their daily commute. Our hopes is to "place make" and create a area that teachers and students could start nature hikes to learn of t is also a home to many flora and fauna The people's love for the park has kept it clean and relatively safe throughout the years.

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