Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Creek to Bay Day 2013 -- Rain or Shine

This year the Creek to Bay Day event was one to remember. Volunteers from the local neighborhood, Laney and Merritt College and Black & Vetch created a large turn out for the annual September event almost double the amount of the previous year. They were welcomed by a cool morning with a shining sun and not a cloud in the sky.
Alyssa and the sign in table

Tasks for the day included removing of trash from the Merritt College's abandon parking lot, cleaning of spray cans & trash from the canyon along Campus Drive and the installation of permanent garbage cans to help prevent those same spray cans from entering into Horseshoe creek. Volunteers were working with an astonishing vigor and tasks were approaching completion at a fast rate when mother nature decided to have a change of plans.

The skies began to darken, then the tit-tat of rain began to hit our backs, and before we knew it we were working in a torrential downpour. Horseshoe creek which was running at a slow summer pace that morning turned to a roaring lion of white water within a half an hour. The volunteers stuck it out and worked through the rain and before too long everyone was soaked to the bone. Despite having small lakes in their boots people worked hard and accomplished all the tasks for the day beyond the call of duty.

Permanent trash cans that were purchased by the Friends of Leona Heights through a grant given my the Clean Water Program were the largest accomplishment for the day. These cans will help curb the tremendous amount of trash that has been found making its way down the canyon side near a graffiti wall. These cans are helpful in that they offer a place for the graffiti "artists" to place their refuse which for many years had been just carelessly tossed down the very steep canyon side eventually making its way into the creek. It couldn't have been done without the experienced and very handy crews from Black and Vetch who were very gracious to send some of their folks to the Leona Heights site. Big shout outs to Matt Stavis' chemistry class who helped remove well over 1,000 pounds of trash from the park.
Over 1,000 pounds of garbage removed including
two tires, construction debris, and an estimated 800 spray cans.


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Creek to Bay Day 2013

Come join our efforts to maintain and clean Leona Heights Park on September 21st from 9AM to 12PM. Meeting at Carl B. Munck Elementary School 11900 Campus Drive, Oakland, CA 94619.
We will be conducting litter removal, installing park amenities, and some trail maintenance. Dress accordingly (jeans, boots or sneakers, hat and gloves), do not wear shorts and flip-flops. If you would like more information about this event please contact Christopher by emailing greenrosettas@gmail.com.

Matt Stavis at the 2013 Creek to Bay Day event.
Photo by Cuc Huynh

Friday, February 8, 2013

Interpretive Signs Leona Heights is a jewel of the city park system. The canyon that the park encompasses has for long offered many enjoyable recreational and enriching educational experiences. Many of the East Bay hills habitats are found in the park. Creek and vernal pools, Redwood forest, oak woodland, chaparral, cliff faces, and flats offer a variety of life that can't be found in any other city park. This enriching experience that this park offers deserves amenities that can introduce and enrich visitors to the park. With this idea in mind we have started the steps to install two interpretive signs into the park. These signs will welcome visitors to the Leona Heights park with brief introductions to local history, geology, and flora fauna. A sign at the upper entrance of the York trail will announce the presence of a sometimes forgotten park. To many students and faculty pass by the park not realizing the valuable resource that borders their daily commute. Our hopes is to "place make" and create a area that teachers and students could start nature hikes to learn of t is also a home to many flora and fauna The people's love for the park has kept it clean and relatively safe throughout the years.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Friends of Leona Heights

Welcome to the Friends of Leona Heights blog page. Here you will find update information about our current volunteering efforts, events, and news. We are a small group of dedicated individuals working towards the conservation, perservation, and education of the Leona Heights Park and the surrounding area. Through the City of Oakland's Adopt-a-Spot Program we have become the stewards of the Leona Heights Park. Working closely with local residents and city staff and officials we are creating a heatlhier, safer, and more beautiful Leona Heights. If you would like to become involved please contact our acting president Christopher Cook by emailing greenrosettas@gmail.com.